Hypnotherapy: A Portal To Emotional and Psychological Wellbeing

As a form of psychological intervention, hypnotherapy can offer a rapid, highly solution-focused therapeutic approach to bringing about a significant reduction in, or complete resolution of, unhelpful, unwanted and self-limiting emotional and psychological problems of daily living.
Essentially, hypnotherapy operates at the level of that part of the mind known as the subconscious; this in order to bring about positive and desired change. Positive change in the way one thinks, feels and acts in relation to a specific concern(s), would be the central goal of this form of intervention.
In clinical terms, It may be helpful to think of hypnosis as an applied psychological tool, used to induce a trance-state and thereby access an altered state of consciousness or 'working state' of hypnosis. Being in such a state of mentation (mental activity) allows for an intensely focused form of relating, together with a bypass of the conscious mind's critical faculty of selective resistance to change.
In hypno-computer terminology, what is sought is a temporary suspension of the restrictive mental 'fire-wall' component of the conscious mind. This allows the subconscious mind to operate in a state of 'safe-mode' readiness. When in this state, the subconscious mind is poised to grant unrestricted access to its all-important internal (metaphorical) 'mental filing-cabinet'.
Ordinarily, much of the everyday way we relate and interact with the world, is governed by this filing system housed within the stronghold of the subconscious mind.
In remaining with hypno-computer language, the subconscious mind might best be thought of as the 'system-controller' with the computer's processing unit (CPU), figuratively speaking, being somewhat analogous to the data processing function of the human brain.
Conceptually, the subconscious system-controller, with its component mental 'hard drive', has a remarkable and unquestioning receptive capacity, especially for the absorption, retention and deployment of highly desirable 'software' suggestive input.
While in the receptive hypnotic state, selective, pre-arranged, re-scripted, positive change work (mental software) is verbally 'installed', effectively replacing the specific unhelpful, unwanted and self-limiting preexisting file(s) in the mental cabinet.
At conclusion, the hypnotee (person undergoing hypnosis) is gradually returned to full, everyday, conscious awareness and relating with the positive change work duly in place. A post-hypnotic suggestion would also have been introduced, to enhance and further facilitate the entire process.
Positive suggestions of change, introduced and readily accepted into the subconscious mind in this way, can be long-term or permanent.
There are many examples of where Clinical Hypnosis can make a decisive difference in and to the quality of one's life. To list only a few, this may be to address: incapacitating fears and phobias; being able to manage one's weight more effectively; smoking and vaping cessation; medical, surgical, dental anxiety; nail-biting; teeth grinding; control of time spent using social media; enhanced concentration; road-rage; chronic pain management; healthy and restorative nocturnal sleep; improvement in self-esteem, self-worth and self-value.
While the above list is by no means comprehensive, it does offer an indication of the kinds of presenting difficulties amenable to hypnotherapy intervention.
When referred by a registered medical practitioner, hypnotherapy treatment may also be indicated in the management of a range of physical ailments* that cannot be fully explained by a general medical condition and are not directly attributable to any other discernible physical cause; typically, such complaints or conditions can be of recent onset or have been problematic over many years.

Ok, so what's actually involved?

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Hypnotherapy intervention would be offered to adults who are highly motivated and strongly committed to considering this particular approach to solving their personal difficulties.
The presenting concerns would need to fall within the scope of hypnotherapy intervention. It might also be that input from previous or current professionals involved in your care is sought, before undergoing a course of hypnotherapy treatment.
Initially, a preliminary session is required to discuss the specifics and includes an evaluation of your motivation and commitment to the proposed work. Some basic educational input around how hypnotherapy works, together with dispelling popular myths, misinformation, untruths and prejudices about what is proposed, will be addressed in the preliminary session.
If you choose, you are most welcome to have your partner or other adult accompany you to the preliminary session.
Any and all preliminary sessions may be attended over the Internet via Zoom.
Following the preliminary session and assessment, there is no obligation to continue on to the subsequent
change-work sessions should you wish to change your mind.
If it is agreed that hypnotherapy is indicated and you'd like to proceed further, it will first be necessary to gauge your personal level of hypnotic susceptibility; this is done at an office-based assessment session. The main purpose of an assessment, is to determine your response to the process of hypnotic induction and to briefly experience the hypnotic trance-state itself.
It is important to recognise that response to hypnotic induction varies from person to person; this may be categorised as highly susceptible,
moderate or low.
While the vast majority of people fall into one of the above categories of hypnotisability, for various reasons, some people who possess trance capacity, do not respond to formal hypnosis in the clinical setting.
Ordinarily, the actual hypnotherapy change-work involves attending two consecutive office-based clinical sessions; these are held one week apart.
At conclusion, a review session will be arranged to evaluate your progress.
In all therefore, there is the preliminary session; the assessment session; (ordinarily) two clinical sessions and a concluding review session.
When considering hypnotherapy intervention for medical conditions noted above,* or specific dental conditions, a written referral from your doctor/dentist or specialist medical/surgical/dental consultant would be necessary.

Attendance at sessions can be arranged on weekdays or for after-hours during the week. A weekend clinic is also available.
All appointments are attended by prior arrangement.